One Day Tours and Workshops


Available for groups or individuals. Come visit a herd of Friesians. From new born foals, youngsters and the mares of the herd, to our breeding stallions.


  • Hands on with the horses. Pictures encouraged.
  • Tour takes 2 to 2 ½ hours for individuals and 3 hours for groups of 4 or more.
  • Price: $45.00 per person and Children 5 or older ½ price


Come for a one day educational workshop at the ranch. Learn about the Black and Red Friesian Breed, especially the rare Red Friesians. My ranch is home to the RED FRIESIAN FOUNDATION. Hands on time with the horses while learning about the breed and the genetics involved to save the Rare Red Friesians. You will be immersed in Friesian Love.


  • Workshop starts at 8:30am for orientation and will conclude at 4:00pm.
  • Price: $150.00 per person must be 12 and older
  • Lunch is not included


Come to the ranch for a 1 day workshop photographing the Friesians in multiple settings.  We will arrange multiple horses in various settings to hone your skills in animal photography. A local photographer that specializes in animals will be there to help you with lighting, framing and action shots.  Weather permitted. Will have an alternate date.

Can also be used in conjunction with weddings, graduations, or other events.


  • Workshop starts at 8:30am for orientation and will conclude at 5:00pm.    
  • Must be 16 and older
  • Price: $150.00 per person
  •  Lunch is not included


Come to the ranch for a 1 day workshop working with Friesian horses. Especially good for kids needing to learn boundaries in their lives.  The family will become part of the herd where the dynamics of the herd will mirror the dynamics of a family. A hands on experience that will start the change needed.  Great for counselors and other professionals or families working on issues.   Weather permitted. Will have an alternate date.


  • Workshop will start at 9:00am and will conclude at 4:00pm.
  • Price: $495.00 per family
  • Lunch is not included

At Black Diamond Friesian Ranch, you will be immersed in Friesian education and find out what makes this breed of horse, “The Horse of Your Dreams.”

Ranch Address:
S78 W31155 Sugden Road
Mukwonago, WI
Phone: 262-510-8963

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 894
Waukesha, WI 53187